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UCI Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct

Registered Campus Organizations

Section 1

Registered Campus Organizations

70.00 Policy on Registered Campus Organizations

70.10 - Definition; Registration and Membership Requirements

A Registered Campus Organization is an organization whose membership predominantly comprises students, faculty, and/or staff of a particular University campus, and that attains recognition as a Registered Campus Organization by complying with the requirements and procedures set forth in campus implementing regulations. Such regulations shall require that the organization furnish a written statement of its name and its purposes, signed by its officers or other authorized representatives, and that includes as well such other pertinent information as the campus may specify. Membership in a Registered Campus Organization shall be open to any student, consistent with the Nondiscrimination Policy Statement for University of California Publications Regarding Student-Related Matters, with the exception that membership in an officially recognized sorority or fraternity may be limited by gender. Membership in a Registered Campus Organization may be extended to individuals other than students, faculty, and staff, under conditions specified in campus implementing regulations. An authorized student government of a campus shall not be eligible for registration also as a Registered Campus Organization of that campus.

70.10 - Registration of Campus Organizations

All Registered Campus Organizations comprising of a majority (50%+1) of student members are entitled to a variety of services through the Office of the Dean of Students such as assistance with program planning, and advice on publicity, fund raising, and campus regulations. Organizations are strongly encouraged to find faculty or staff advisors. Assistance in securing advisors is provided by the Office of the Dean of Students.

A. Requirements for Registration

An organization may become a Registered Campus Organization by filing the following information with the Office of the Dean of Students.

1. Registration Forms (Including University Nondiscrimination Statement)

2. Financial Responsibility Statement -only current UCI students may serve as authorized signers. See 70.10 (E) for definition.

3. Constitution of the Organization

4. The Anti-hazing Compliance Form. (See Appendix 1 for Anti-Hazing Statute of the Education Code of the State of California.)

5. Acknowledgement of the Principles of Community

6. Completion of Campus Organization Orientation

7. Payment of annual registration fee

8. Acknowledgement of policy related to Registered Campus Organization Insurance

9. Acknowledgement of Student Conduct Policy

Registration must be renewed annually and is subject to revocation. Registration of any campus organization does not imply that such organizations are sponsored, endorsed, or favored by the University.

B. Change of Authorized Signer(s)

When a change in authorized signer(s) occurs, each Registered Campus Organization shall provide the name(s) of the new authorized signer(s) to the Office of the Dean of Students.

C. Membership of Non-University Persons

Non-University persons may participate in Registered Campus Organization activities as associate members. Associate members may not hold office, vote on organizational issues, or assume fiscal responsibility on behalf of the organization.

D. Financial Responsibility

A Registered Campus Organization sponsoring a function or supporting it by the use of its name or its funds shall be responsible for damage to University property occurring during the function and for the damages of its members or guests attending that function. It is also responsible for any outstanding debts or expenses incurred as a result of sponsorship activities as a result of actions of members or nonmembers.

If payments to any individual (vendor) for services exceed $600 in a calendar year, the sponsoring Registered Campus Organization is required to report those payments to the Internal Revenue Service on a 1099 form.

E. Authorized Signer(s)

Officers and members acting in executive positions in Registered Campus Organizations are responsible for the activities of their organizations. Authorized Signers are defined as members or officers who sign on behalf of the Registered Campus Organization and agree to be jointly or individually liable for all debts and obligations to the University incurred by their organization. Individual members or officers of Registered Campus Organizations that are designated as Authorized Signers read and sign theFinancial Responsibility Statement and agree to comply.

F. Faculty and Staff Advisors

It is strongly encouraged that Registered Campus Organizations find a faculty or staff advisor. Assistance in securing an advisor is provided by the Office of the Dean of Students.

G. Officially Recognized Fraternities and Sororities

Refer to the Greek Life Recognition Guidelines

70.20 - Requirements for Funding from Compulsory Campus-Based Student Fees

A Registered Campus Organization that is preponderantly or exclusively funded by a student government or other campus entity from compulsory campus-based student fees shall primarily have University of California students as its members. Particular programs and activities of a Registered Campus Organization funded from compulsory campus-based student fees shall be open to participation by the entire campus community. In addition, all expenditures relating to particular programs and activities of a Registered Campus Organization (whether the program or activity takes place on- or off-campus) that are funded from such fees must be under the direct control of University of California students. (See also Section 86.11 of these Policies.)

70.30 - Conduct and Discipline

A Registered Campus Organization is required to comply with University policies and campus regulations as well as applicable laws or it will be subject to revocation of registration, loss of privileges, or other sanctions. In denying or revoking registration or applying sanctions, campus regulations shall provide an opportunity for a hearing with basic standards of procedural due process.

70.30 - Compliance with University Policies and Campus Regulations

Whether on or off campus, Registered Campus Organizations members are expected to comply with University policies and campus regulations. Violations may result in the revocation of registration or other sanctions as listed in Section 105.00. Situations or incidents involving alleged violations will be referred to the proper conduct officer or body for review and/or action. See Section 103.00 for Student Discipline Procedures.

Section 110.00 (Student Grievance Procedures) establishes the process for review of a denied or revoked registration of a campus organization.

70.40 - Use of University Name

A Registered Campus Organization shall not use the name of the University of California or abbreviations thereof as a part of its own name except in accordance with applicable law and University policy (including, but not limited to, State of California Education Code, Section 92000, and the Presidential Policy to Permit Use of the University's Name) as well as campus implementing regulations.

70.40 - Use of the University Name by a Registered Campus Organization

Permission to use the name of the University of California, Irvine, or any abbreviation thereof as part of the Registered Campus Organization's name may be granted only by the Chancellor or the Chancellor's designee.

1. A Registered Campus Organization shall not use the name of the University of California or abbreviations thereof as part of its own name. For the purpose of geographical designation, "at UCI" may be used as part of the directions.

2. A Registered Campus Organization may state that its membership is composed of students, faculty, and staff of the University of California, but shall not indicate or imply that it is acting on behalf of the University or with its approval or sponsorship.

3. Student-produced publications, student-operated radio television stations, and Registered Campus Organizations may take positions on issues but must avoid any implications that they are representing the views of the University, or the student government, or the student body as a whole.

70.50 - Use of University Properties

Any use of University properties and services by a Registered Campus Organization must conform to Section 40.00 of these Policies and applicable campus time, place, and manner regulations.

70.60 - Fiscal Accountability

Chancellors may investigate, through audits or other means, and take action to ensure that the fiscal activities of a Registered Campus Organization comply with legal requirements and University policies and procedures.

70.70 - University Sponsorship

As provided in Section 41.00 of these Policies, a Registered Campus Organization that uses University property, services, or other resources must avoid any unauthorized implication that it is sponsored, endorsed, or favored by the University.

70.80 - Support

A Registered Campus Organization or Registered Campus Organization-related program or activity may be supported from compulsory campus-based student fees and/or from voluntary contributions under conditions set forth in Sections 86.00 and 90.00 respectively of these Policies.


The referendum process set forth in Section 82.00 of these Policies shall not be accessible to a Registered Campus Organization or any student group other than a student government. The foregoing is not intended to preclude access to the referendum process by any administrative unit of the University, subject to appropriate student consultation. Support for a Registered Campus Organization or any student group other than a student government from compulsory campus-based student fees must be in the form of a reallocation from student government or other appropriate campus entity to the Registered Campus Organization or other student group. All such reallocations must be made consistent with the requirements for viewpoint-neutral funding set forth in Sections 70.82, 86.20, and 86.30 of these Policies. (See also Section 86.12 of these Policies.)


Any process adopted by a student government or other campus entity to provide support to a Registered Campus Organization or Registered Campus Organization-related program or activity from compulsory campus-based student fees must employ solely viewpoint-neutral criteria as set forth in Section 86.30 of these Policies.


A student government in consultation with the campus, or a campus with the concurrence of the student government, may at its discretion establish and administer a mechanism providing for a pro rata refund to any student of that portion of his or her compulsory campus-based student fees that has been allocated by a student government or other campus entity to support a particular Registered Campus Organization or Registered Campus Organization-related program or activity. Establishment of such a refund mechanism is not required either as a matter of University policy or the law. (See also Section 86.13 of these Policies.)

70.90 - Transfer of Compulsory Campus-Based Student Fees to Non-University Entities

Compulsory campus-based student fees may be expended by a Registered Campus Organization to cover the expenses of direct participation by University students in a particular non-University-sponsored educational program or activity. Such fees may also be expended for the payment of applicable dues necessary to sustain membership by a Registered Campus Organization in national and other regional non-University associations at the basic level established by such associations, so long as the level of any such assessment is in line with what is assessed similar student organizations at other institutions comparable in size and nature to the University as a requirement of basic membership. Except as provided immediately below, memberships at a preferential level that require the payment of higher periodic dues than what is required to sustain basic membership, or the assessment by such non-University associations of supplemental contributions from their members as an expectation but not a requirement of continued membership, may not be supported from compulsory campus-based student fees.

Other than for considerations of basic membership as set forth above, additional transfers of funds from compulsory campus-based student fees by a Registered Campus Organization to such non-University associations may be made only when they can be justified, in advance of the transfer, to the Chancellor (or other campus official designated by the Chancellor with administrative oversight over Registered Campus Organizations) as providing a direct educational benefit to University of California students commensurate with the proposed expenditure.

Compulsory campus-based fees may not otherwise be expended by a Registered Campus Organization in support of, or be otherwise transferred to, a non-University organization, program, or activity, except in payment for goods and services directly necessary to the operation of the Registered Campus Organization, its programs or activities.

The referendum process set forth in Section 82.00 of these Policies shall not be available either to establish a new compulsory campus-based student fee, or to lock in an increase to an existing such fee, for the purpose of supporting any non-University organization, program, or activity. (See also Sections 67.10 and 87.00 of these Policies).