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UCI Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct

About UC Policies

Section 1

About UC Policies

10.00 Preamble and General Provisions

In carrying out its teaching, research, and public service activities, the University has an obligation to maintain conditions under which the work of its members—the faculty, students and staff—can go forward freely, in accordance with the highest standards of excellence, institutional integrity, and freedom of expression, and with full recognition by all concerned of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of those who comprise the University community. 

Where applicable, descriptions of the Irvine campus implementation follow immediately after each numbered section of the University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (UC PACAOS), and are identified by boldface print as well as corresponding section numbers. Members of the University community may propose amendments to these regulations by filing proposals with the Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs for review.


These Policies address the rights and responsibilities of members of the University community as well as others while on University property. These Policies also address the responsibilities of students as defined herein and provide Universitywide standards for campus implementing regulations as a means of sustaining this community. 

Each member of the University shares in the responsibility for maintaining this unique community so that the University's mission of teaching, research, and public service can be achieved. These Policies and their campus implementing regulations are designed to protect and promote the rights of members of the University, prevent interference with University functions or activities, and assure compliance with all pertinent laws and other applicable University policies.

11.00 Authority

The Regents of the University of California is a corporation that derives its authority from the California Constitution, Article IX, Section 9, which prescribes its power of organization and governance. These Policies are issued under this authority, and supersede all previous versions issued by the Office of the President as University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students (PACAOS).

The Chancellor of the Irvine campus has delegated authority to the Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs to develop campus regulations and to implement and administer University policies and procedures applying to students.

A. Purposes

The primary purposes of these regulations are:

1. To facilitate the effective use of University of California, Irvine, campus properties for educational purposes;

2. To enumerate the procedures that will be employed if an alleged violation of policy occurs.

12.00 Applicability

These Policies and the campus regulations implementing them apply to all campuses and properties of the University and to functions administered by the University, unless in special circumstances the President directs otherwise. Campus implementing regulations for these Policies may extend their application to cover student conduct that occurs off-campus as provided in Section 100.00 of these Policies.


These Policies do not apply where inconsistent with the Higher Education Employer-Employee Relations Act (HEERA) or applicable collective bargaining agreements.


For all pertinent activities involving University students, employees, and properties, these Policiesapply to the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources and to the Department of Energy Laboratories operated by the University of California, subject to Laboratory implementing regulations and contractual obligations between The Regents and the Department of Energy. Any provision of these Policies that covers such activities also applies to the Laboratories when it refers to the campuses, and to the Laboratory Directors when it refers to the Chancellors.

13.00 Development and Review of Universitywide Policies and Campus Implementing Regulations


The President shall consult as appropriate with Chancellors, Vice Presidents, the Office of the General Counsel, and Universitywide advisory committees prior to amending these Policies. Chancellors shall consult with faculty, students, and staff prior to submitting to the President any campus recommendations related to proposed amendments to these Policies. Amendments that are specifically mandated by law, however, do not require consultation with campus representatives or Universitywide advisory committees to the extent that legal requirements do not permit such consultation.


Chancellors shall adopt campus implementing regulations consistent with these Policies. The University shall publish these Policies and make them widely available, and Chancellors shall do the same with respect to the implementing regulations for their campuses. This requirement may be satisfied through the on-line publication of these Policies and their respective campus implementing regulations.


Chancellors shall consult with students (including student governments), faculty, and staff in the development or revision of campus implementing regulations except when the development or revision of such regulations results from changes to these Policies that have been specifically mandated by law. Campuses shall specify procedures, including consultation processes, by which campus implementing regulations may be developed or revised.

Proposed revisions to UCI campus regulations shall be reviewed by representative staff and students appointed by the Dean of Students (DOS) in consultation with representatives of the Associated Students UCI (ASUCI), Associated Graduate Students (AGS) and the Council on Student Experience (CSE). Any suggested modifications shall be reviewed by Campus Counsel and the Administrative Policies Officer before being recommended to the Chancellor by the Vice Chancellor, Student Affairs.


Prior to their adoption, all proposed campus implementing regulations, including all substantive modifications to existing such regulations, shall be submitted to the Office of the President for review, in consultation with the Office of the General Counsel, for consistency with these Policies and the law.

14.00 Definitions

For the purposes of these Policies and the campus implementing regulations adopted pursuant to them, the following definitions are provided:

14.10 - Campus

The term "campus" means a University of California campus. The term "campus" also applies to the Office of the President, the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and each Department of Energy Laboratory operated by the University. 

14.20 - Property

The term "property" means any University-owned, -operated or -leased property, including all University grounds and structures or such other property as shall be designated by a campus as property subject to these Policies.

14.30 - Registered Campus Organization

The term "Registered Campus Organization" means an organization whose membership predominantly comprises students, faculty, and/or staff of a particular University campus, and that attains recognition as a Registered Campus Organization by complying with the requirements and procedures set forth in Section 70.10 of these Policies and in campus implementing regulations.

14.40 - Student

The term "student" means an individual for whom the University maintains student records and who: (a) is enrolled in or registered with an academic program of the University; (b) has completed the immediately preceding term, is not presently enrolled, and is eligible for re-enrollment; or (c) is on an approved educational leave or other approved leave status, or is on filing-fee status.

14.50 - University

The term "University" means the University of California and includes all campuses, the Office of the President, the Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, and each Department of Energy Laboratory operated by the University.